Online Learning During Campus Closure

In the event of an interruption of campus operations/closure, the College of Charleston will move to an online instruction model for all classes to maintain academic progress. Faculty will update students regarding instructional plans for individual classes.  

Faculty members will have discretion regarding online instruction and assignments and will be encouraged to be flexible with students regarding class engagement. Students will be prepared for direct communication from their instructor for each of their classes via the College’s email system and via OAKS, our university’s Learning Management System. Most faculty members will engage students through OAKS. Students will be expected to log into OAKS daily during an interruption of campus operations. Students in field-based experiences (e.g., student teaching, local internships, etc.) will follow closure guidelines issued by the respective field site. 

It is acknowledged that during a significant weather event, access to certain course materials might be limited due to possible power outages, internet connectivity issues and travel. Faculty will adjust assignments and due dates to accommodate students’ needs in response to evolving conditions.  When campus reopens and instructional activities resume, faculty members will remain flexible with students’ attendance and assignment completion during the resumption of classes. 

College staff will receive guidance from their division heads and supervisors regarding work hours and campus operations. As a state agency, the College is required to follow the operational status of Charleston County government at the time.